High Renaissance Titans: Who They Are and What Their Contribution to Art History
The Renaissance refers to the rediscovery of ideals from classical antiquity. Artists no longer thought about the art of antiquity. Now they had the tools, technology, knowledge and confidence to…

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What butterflies meant in the paintings of world famous artists
Butterfly and moth are one of the main symbols in art and a significant number of major artists include this image in their canvases. It is noteworthy that the butterfly…

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19th Century Girl Albums: Entertainment for Bored Aristocrats or a Separate Genre in Art?
The young ladies of the 19th century were not so different from the modern ones: they also needed attention, recognition, evidence of sympathy from friends and, of course, a cordial…

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Poor rich girl: Why actress and designer Gloria Vanderbilt considered herself guilty of the death of her son

Gloria Vanderbilt was one of the most famous women of the twentieth century. She was able to succeed in various fields of activity: she acted in films, wrote books and paintings, and also became a designer of blue jeans. Not one of her exits has been left without the attention of journalists since the very day she was born. She seemed successful and successful, but at night she was tormented by nightmares, and for many years Vanderbilt blamed herself for the death of her own son.

Poor rich girl

On February 21, 1924, many newspapers wrote about a happy event in the life of Reginald Vanderbilt and his second wife, 20-year-old Gloria Morgan: on the eve of the spouses, an heiress, Gloria Vanderbilt, was born. Gloria Jr. was only one year old when she inherited her father’s 5 millionth fortune. 45-year-old Reginald Vanderbilt died of cirrhosis, and his widow took charge of her daughter’s finances. Continue reading

What are the secret meanings of the image of a parrot in the paintings of great artists of different eras
For artists of the Gothic, Early Renaissance and High Renaissance, birds were part of a rich visual symbolism. In a society with limited literacy, allegorical images were vital for the…


High Renaissance Titans: Who They Are and What Their Contribution to Art History
The Renaissance refers to the rediscovery of ideals from classical antiquity. Artists no longer thought about the art of antiquity. Now they had the tools, technology, knowledge and confidence to…


Giuseppe Arcimboldo - a phenomenal artist of the 16th century
This year marks almost 430 years since the death of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an Italian artist known for his original portraits of fruits, vegetables, flowers and fish. Giuseppe so skillfully portrayed…
