raised children
Two seasons of love by Paul Gauguin: Virtuous Danish and passionate Tahitian
Paul Gauguin was passionate and enthusiastic, he could instantly be inflamed with passion, but his feelings passed as quickly as they appeared. Only two women left a deep mark on the soul and work of the artist. Matte and Tekha’mana were complete opposites: a white-skinned practical Danish and a dark-skinned obedient Tahitian. With one, he lived 12 years and became the father of five children, the other gave him one child, but only for a short time lit up his life.
Family joys
Paul Gauguin met Matte-Sophie Gad in 1872. The young Danish was a member of the family of Gustave Arosa, who was a friend of the late mother of the artist. It was with his help that Paul Gauguin was able at one time to get the position of a stock broker and secure a quite decent financial position. Continue reading