Beloved woman of Boris Kustodiev, in whose name he overcame hellish pain and created his best works
“Dear Yulik” - that’s what Boris Kustodiev called Yulia Proshinskaya, which was everything for the artist: a faithful and selfless wife, and the greatest love, and a devoted friend, and…

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How Peter Konchalovsky managed to avoid repression and why the artist was called the Soviet Cezanne
Not many painters who disobeyed the socialist regime in times of bloody repression managed to escape punishment. Today I would like to recall the name of one of them -…

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What is the secret of the paintings of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, which inspired Dali and other surrealists of the XX century
Fantastic talent and eccentric portraits made Giuseppe Arcimboldo, one of the strangest Renaissance artists, world famous. His compositions of portraits of flowers, fruits, leaves, fish and books are unique in…

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creating vivid

Other worlds in pastel-candy paintings with mysterious subjects

Syd Bee is an artist from Seattle whose work seems to have been torn straight from the world of dreams. Bee uses rich, pink tones in many of his works, exploring dark themes and emotions, and the combination of these opposite elements gives his works a surreal, otherworldly quality. This dichotomy offers the viewer to plunge deeply enough into terribly beautiful art, while exploring the story told in each play.

Sid is a very talented American contemporary artist, creating vivid oil paintings of figures that often seem to exist in a fabulous state, somewhere between life and fantasies. This artist lives and works in Seattle, where she can always be found in her own studio, surrounded by things that inspire her to do an excellent job: a library of fairy tales, comics and two fat cats. In addition to creating her fabulous compositions bordering on magic, drowning in pink colors, Sid is also actively involved in other areas, for example, she was featured on the cover of The Stranger and created cover art for comic books for Adventure Time. Continue reading

How Peter Konchalovsky managed to avoid repression and why the artist was called the Soviet Cezanne
Not many painters who disobeyed the socialist regime in times of bloody repression managed to escape punishment. Today I would like to recall the name of one of them -…


"The Invisible Artist", which creates paintings on people, like on canvases
Since today many acts of civil protest in China remain strictly prohibited, a well-known Chinese artist-photographer, master of the original creative camouflage of people, Liu Bolin invented a unique technique…


What is special about the landscapes that are called the most Italian: Veduta and Capriccio
History did not preserve the name of the tourist that the first one wanted to take away from Italy a picturesque "postcard" in memory of the trip and thereby laid…
